☁️ Cloud services

While most of my infrastructure and workloads are selfhosted I do rely upon the cloud for certain key parts of my setup. This saves me from having to worry about two things. (1) Dealing with chicken/egg scenarios and (2) services I critically need whether my cluster is online or not.

The alternative solution to these two problems would be to host a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud and deploy applications like HCVault, Vaultwarden, ntfy, and Authentik. However, maintaining another cluster and monitoring another group of workloads is a lot more time and effort than I am willing to put in.

GitHubHosting this repository and continuous integration/deploymentsFree
CloudflareDomain, DNS and proxy managementFree
B2 StorageOffsite application backupsFree
Terraform CloudStore Terraform state onlineFree
Total: ~$0/m